Over the weekend I continued doing the final layers for the first a3 side of the zine in green and blue as well as making new ones for the second side. On Tuesday I printed the greens and blues for the second side and it was as exciting as riso ever is. I got the alignment perfectly to match which was great (although I sometimes like making it a bit off on purpose cause it does give an interesting effect).

I am super happy with the mini rootless/rerooting story I made on the rootless zine! To me, it's the highlight of the zines as it summarises my feelings on the topic of having roots quite well.

Because all of my process at this point for the zine is digital as the files need to be in separate colour layers that are grayscaled, I don't think seeing my grey half-layers is that interesting. I'll still include them though. It will all come together in the zine with full colours.
I have now prepared all the other layers and pages except the middle spread in green for the Roots zine. I wanted to have a picture of my shoes there but if that is going to happen remains to be seen as I am having a glue gun fiasco (more on that later on in this page)
Things I need to consider for the zine: what type of string do I want to stitch it all together? colour one? Maybe I'll try and ink colour one with matching colours to each zine... Or make a rootlike colour.

I am most nervous about Friday printing as the alignment of the riso is always switched between printing and sometimes it's a struggle to get it right. I have one layer that is off on purpose (the rooty character that is seen on the right of this text box). Thankfully There's a lightbox in the workshop.

I spent the first half of Tuesday in the 3D workshop making shoes! Because I already made the prototype about a month ago, I knew what I wanted and what I was doing so I just went for it. I made both a wooden version with the original design with a black slipper-like system and rooty back laces but also a plastic transparent one with rooty tieing system (I will ink the yarn black). I think I have a genius idea for the roots but sadly the world doesn't agree. I wanna cover wire with black hot glue. I tried it with a transparent one and it works - it's bendy but sturdy and the perfect material. One problem I encountered though - the black hotglue I ordered is too small for my flatmate's hotglue gun:---( big sad. I will have to get the glue gun tomorrow for myself in the end. I don't know if I will make it in time considering I have so much writing left to do.
I'm slightly stressed about the writing, just because after doing 4 years of constant academic writing, it's the last thing I want to do. Even though I enjoy casual writing, there's a stressful aspect to it when I know it will be read and reviewed by people. Also just in general submitting my sketchbooks is intimidating because I never make them in a "polite" way. By that I mean that I just create them in a chaotic manner for myself only. I never consider that someone else might be looking at it and trying to understand what is going on.